Ref. : 80
St Jean Cap Ferrat
3 180 000 €
Details :
Surface : 136,00 m²
Outdoor surface : 90,00 m²
Nb of bedrooms : 3
Nb of bathrooms: 2
Nb of room(s) : 4
Lift: 1
Floor: 2
/ 2
Description :

EXCEPTIONAL LOCATION FOR THIS APARTMENT – PENTHOUSE on the top floor in a luxury residence with swimmingpool and caretaker.
The habitable surface of 136 m² , which has to be completely restructured, has a large terrace of 90 m² and BBQ .
GREAT VIEWS TO THE BAY OF VILLEFRANCHE on one side and the port of BEAULIEU on the other side.
Walking distance to the center town of Beaulieu and Saint Jean Cap Ferrat, beaches and restaurants.
A cellar and 2 garages complete this exceptional property. Nb of lots : 69. Georisques.gouv.fr  Agency fees payed by the seller.
For the visits , please, call ARMI HELENA


Legal information :
Property tax : 3 500 €
Charges : 600 €
Energy Performance Assessments
Blank Energy Performance Certificate Unusable consumption
* Including greenhouse gas emissions
Blank Greenhouse Gas Emissions Unusable consumption
0 kWh/m^2/year of final energy
Annual energy cost estimate for the housing





per year

Average energy prices indexed as of January 1, 2021 (including subscriptions)
About the area St Jean Cap Ferrat
FAUX TEXTE St Jean Cap Ferrat Nunc vero inanes flatus quorundam vile esse quicquid extra urbis pomerium nascitur aestimant praeter orbos et caelibes, nec credi potest qua obsequiorum diversitate coluntur homines sine liberis Romae. In his tractibus navigerum nusquam visitur flumen sed in locis plurimis aquae suapte natura calentes emergunt ad usus aptae multiplicium medelarum. verum has quoque regiones pari sorte Pompeius Iudaeis domitis et Hierosolymis captis in provinciae speciem delata iuris dictione formavit. Et hanc quidem praeter oppida multa duae civitates exornant Seleucia opus Seleuci regis, et Claudiopolis quam deduxit coloniam Claudius Caesar. Isaura enim antehac nimium potens, olim subversa ut rebellatrix interneciva aegre vestigia claritudinis pristinae monstrat admodum pauca.

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